Harlequin by Patrizia


The Look: There’s just something about a string of black roses flowing down the top of my foot. It’s certainly eye catching and I get a lot of compliments whenever I wear them. Though the bands are pretty wide, it’s still got an almost minimal look to it, especially when viewed from the side.  The wedge heel, though low, works very well with it.

The Fit: It’s a half-size up, but then most of my shoes are. Between the width of my feet and the fact that my proper size is a half-size, it’s not really unexpected. There’s some extra shoe at the toes, but most of the roominess is in the heel cup where it doesn’t really show.

Comfort: This shoe was purchased with comfort in mind and it doesn’t fail. Careless walking will irritate the back of my heel where the top of the heel cup can rub. The heel isn’t high enough to cause any discomfort even with extensive walking.

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